I have finally treated myself to the highly praised Extra 260 from Composite-Arf. The model arrived on Saturday afternoon, and I started to assemble it right away. I wonder if it is really the revelation they say it is? We will soon find out.
It is well packed, and everything is as it should be, as always - there are even covers provided for the whole aircraft.
Let's warm up by making the engine hood. Normally I would stick the two halves together permanently, but this time I'll do them separately.
The blind nuts are properly glued in, and if necessary either the upper or lower half can be removed. While we're at it it's also a good idea to use thin epoxy to protect all of the wooden parts in the region of the engine and silencers.
I have already assembled the titanium undercarriage and the main carbon blades. The engine and the ignition apparatus are also permanently mounted.
This time I used a new method for fixing the plexiglass cabin to the frame. No messy glues - I attached the cabin using double-sided sticky tape. This is a fast, clean and effective method. You just have to remember that the sticking foam should protrude at least 5 mm above the frame. Next, with a sharp knife, cut away the excess foam on the paper side. If any burrs remain, cut them off with small sharp cuticle scissors. Now comes the critical moment - sticking in the plexiglass. Stick the upper part first, then the sides, drawing them upwards - and that's it. Now unscrew the frame from the fuselage and from the inside carefully press the plexi onto the frame. For ideal results, use the blunt edge of a knife to smooth the foam between the plexi and the frame. The principal advantage of this mode of attachment is that the plexiglass is fastened flexibly instead of rigidly, so that it will absorb shocks and never crack.
I recommend servo arms from SWB - they really are good. These have an additional nut and bolt, so that as well as attaching to the servo we also apply pressure to the servo splines.
Zimmerman silencers are probably the best. They are very quiet and very durable, being made from thin stainless steel, and are also easy to clean on the inside with caustic soda.
The fuselage is ready and the electronics work. Two LI PO batteries, each 2800 mAh, will be enough for eight 15-minute flights.
It's recommended to allow the engine to run for about 20 minutes for initial regulation, and then it's off to the airfield for a test flight.
The plane flies very well and accurately, flying straight even vertically in stronger wind. It is ideal for a pilot who values precise aerobatic flying.
Delivered on the first Saturday, it had its test flight at StanisÅ‚awowo on the second Saturday, and on the third Saturday it won the Polish Cup at Ostrów Wielkopolski.